Starting with the basics: Episode 10

Using Leftovers to create an amazing breakfast:

Avocado, Steak, Fried Egg Crostini

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Valentines day was yesterday and I made a delicious steak dinner for my husband and son. We had fresh bread, mashed potatoes, asparagus and of course steak.

I know what every one is thinking, who has left over steak?

Valentines day fell on a Sunday this year and just happen to also be the day before Presidents Day. I knew I would have Monday off with my family.

So I planned.

Its a crazy idea isn’t it? To plan your meals? Honestly, it does take some work, but once you get in the habit you will eat healthier, spend less money, and be less stressed during the week.

I go grocery shopping the same day every week. I block it out on my schedule. I also have my menu planned for the following week BEFORE I go to the store. This is what works for me:

Wednesday: I start thinking about what I’m going to cook the following week. I ask my husband and son for a few ideas (sometimes I use them , other times I don’t) I take into consideration what we have going on the following week. Do we have an events? Friends coming over? Holidays or parties to plan for? Will my son be home all week or will he be visiting his grandma?

Thursday: I finalize a meal plan and make a grocery list.

Friday evening: Grocery Shop. Yes, I grocery shop on Friday nights after I get off work. I’m home by 6:30 and we usually use Friday as our take out, left overs, or out to eat night.

Saturday and Sunday: I prep food for the following week. I also make sure that we have vegetables and fruit washed, cut and ready to eat.

So back to this Crostini….

I bought an extra steak and cooked it on Valentines day. The great thing about this crostini is 1 good size New York strip steak will make 4 crostini’s. By adding healthy fats from the avocado and protein from the fried egg, there is no need for an entire steak for this breakfast.

When you are heating up steak that you made the night before, you want to heat it slowly. I put a bit of olive oil in a non stick pan. The steak already has a crust on it from the first cook, therefore there is no need for a cast iron or stainless steel pan. Do not heat the pan. Place the steak into the cold pan. Then gradually heat it over medium heat. It should take about 10-15 minutes. You could also place the steak on a microwave safe plate and heat with the defrost setting, just remember to check the steak about every 30-45 seconds.

I made a loaf of no knead garlic rosemary bread for Valentines day, but you could use any good crusty bread from the bakery at your local grocery store. I placed the bread under the broiler and got it nice and toasty.

I then smeared on some smashed avocado.

NOTE: always season your avocado! I used salt and pepper and some crushed red pepper, but you could use anything you want! Everything but the bagel seasoning would be perfect!

After I smeared on a thick layer of Avocado and season it, I layered on my sliced steak.

Remember to always slice steak against the grain. This ensures you will have a tender piece of beef, even if it is reheated.

Next the egg..

Eggs are easy. There are a million different way to make an egg. I went very simple for this. I did an over easy egg. I used the same non stick pan that I used for the steak. Everyone wants less dishes, especially when making breakfast on a day off. I just put a tablespoon of butter in the pan and let it melt over medium heat. I cracked an egg into the pan and seasoned it with salt and pepper. I let it cook until the whites set up, about 5 minutes. I then did a quick flip and then placed it on my crostini.

I had made an infused basil olive oil for a different recipe and had it on hand. You do not have to use it to drizzle on your egg. However, if you have a good finishing oil, or a garlic infused oil, I would recommend drizzling it on top! It add a richness that makes it feel fancy!! I like to garnish my crostini with a bit of parsley, but you could also use green onions or chives.

The point is…

This is LEFTOVERS for breakfast. Use what you have and be creative. That’s what makes cooking fun!


Edit: To make gluten free - use Gluten Free Sour Dough Bread

Steak, Egg, and Avocado Crostini



  • Left Over Crusty Bread or French bread sliced at an angle. 
  • Avocado
  • Optional: Red pepper flakes
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Left over New York Strip Steak
  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 egg
  • Optional:  Basil and lemon infused olive oil. 


  1. Place your bread under the broiler and broil for 2-3 minutes or until the bread is nice and crisp.
  2. Re- heat your strip steak on the stove gently.   You are only trying to get it warm, not over cook it.   Slice it against the grain
  3. Heat the butter up in a small skillet.  Once melted, crack in your egg and sprinkle with salt and pepper.   Cook the egg until the whites set up and gently flip for a few seconds. 
  4. While the egg is cooking, smash half the avocado up and smear it on your crostini.  Season with salt and pepper and red pepper flakes if desired.
  5. Place your sliced steak on the avocado and then top with the fried egg.
  6. Drizzle with infused olive oil and garnish with parsley if desired.  
  7. Enjoy!

Winter Recipes: Episode 4


Starting with the basics: Episode 9